Westside Wins a Thriller Against Sweetwater

In Junior Pee Wee Football action, the Westside Wildcats (5-0,3-0)  and the Sweetwater Ravens (4-1, 3-1) both came into the Pop Warner game undefeated. The teams were touted as two of the best in the junior pee wee division, so everyone knew the game would be good; and it did not disappoint.

It was a toe to toe battle all game between the two teams, with a division crown possibly at stake. Both teams would get on the board in the first half scoring touchdowns but missing their extra points. Westside’s  #5 Terrance Johnson scored on a 42 yard reverse to catch the aggressive Sweetwater defense off guard. Westside would go up 6-0 in the first quarter.

Sweetwater would respond a few positions later after forcing Westside to a fourth down punt situation. They blocked the punt and recovered the ball deep into Wildcat territory. Sweetwater would capitalize, as Quarterback Cortez Martinez threw a fade to the corner of the endzone which was brought down for the touchdown by Tony. .That would be the only offense we would see for most of the game as both the Wildcat and Raven defenses stiffened.

Sweetwater could not get going on offense failing to get to the outside with their speed. Westside didn’t fair much better as Sweetwater limited Westside’s power run attack to just one first down in the third quarter. For most of the fourth it was much of the same, a defensive battle with hard hitting from the defensive lines and line backers.

But with just two minutes left in the game Westside forced Sweetwater to punt, and started their possession just inside their own territory at the 45 yard line. It took just one play for Daniel Plummer to take the hand off and race 55 yards for the Westside touchdown putting Westside up 13-6 after the PAT conversion.

Sweetwater attempted to tie the game once again, but this time Westside’s #3 Maurice Evans intercepted the Martinez pass ending Sweetwater’s hopes. Westside would run the ball and run out the clock to get the victory 13-6.

Westide won a big game over their westside rivals, but many know that this is just round one of a two round bout. These two teams are front runners to face each other in the playoffs. But until then Westside gets the bragging rights and the lead in the division.





About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer DuvalSports.com Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA