Westside and Grandpark Battle for the City Championship

Everbank Field-  The action started quick in the Pop Warner Junior Midget Division -I Championship game. And with Westside and Grandpark going at it, noone should be surprised at this fast pace. Westside is tenacious with their play and is well coached. Grandpark has blazing speed and is extremely experienced on the sideline. So the tone was already set before the whistle blew to s tart the game.

The first play from the line of scrimmage Reaven Tribune took the run 40 yards to the Westside 7 yard line. This sucked the defense in to stop Tribune when Grandpark went play action to the corner of the endzone; a pass reception by WR Harden to put the Seahawks up 6-0. The conversion was no good.  Next Grandpark would get the ball.

After a punt by the Westside offense, Grandpark got the ball deep in their own territory.  The Seahawks elected to put the ball in the air when it was intercepted by #17 Williams setting up  first and goal for the Wildcats.  

#2 Johnson scored on a run to the right pylon to tie the game 6-6. It would be a tie ball game going into half time.

The second half would feature more of a back and forth slug fest between these two top teams. Tribune would put the Seahawks second touchdown on the board with a run this time to go up 12-6.

But Westside would respond with a drive of their own, driving 60 yards including a big play by #2 Johnson. Westside’s QB #24 Samuels would sneak it in from the one yard line to tie the game. There were shades of the playoff game the previous week when a controversial Quarterback sneak by their opponent Forestview was stopped by the wildcats. Now Westside would score on their own QB sneak in the fourth quarter.

Grandpark would begin their drive on their own 40 yard line. The drive would be thwarted when the Seahawks Quarterback fumbled the snap at the Westside 30 yard line and it was recovered by Westside. But Westside’s offense could not capitalize on the turnover and was forced to punt back to Grandpark. Grandpark was forced to throw a halfback pass on fourth down that was intercepted by Westside to force overtime.


In overtime Tribune ran the ball on a 8 yard carry on first down. QB #1 Mahone would sneak the ball in on 4th down for the TD. Smith with the PAT kick for 2 points put Grandpark up 20-12. On Westside’s possession,  Johnson would run the ball on a 6 yard carry on first down. A fullback give would put them on the 2 yard line. Westside would suffer a delay of game forcing them to pass on third down. The pass was completed to the one setting up fourth down. A Quarterback sneak by Samuels was good to tie the game, but the PAT was no good.

Final Score: Grandpark 20 Westside 18

About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer DuvalSports.com Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA