Game Time: Middle School Football Week #5

Headlining this week’s Middle School Matchups are  Fletcher visiting Landmark, Mayport visits Arlington, and Kirby Smith takes on Mathew Gilbert.

Don’t forget to tweet us @duvalsports or tag us on instagram or Facebook with your pictures and updates of the games!


gilbert homecoming


Middle School Final Scores: J.E.B.Stuart -48 vsBaldwin- 0 Fletcher-22 vsLandmark- 0 Arlington-36 vsMayport-20 DuPont-24 vsSouthside 34

— DuvalSports(@DuvalSports) October 16, 2014







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About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA