2016 Duval County Middle School Football Schedules



Courtesy of the Duval County Public Schools, here is the 2016 Duval County Middle School Football Schedules. All games listed are at 5:30 unless noted.

Week 1, Sept. 13

Week 1 Scores Click Here

Baldwin at Ribault

Stilwell at Twin Lakes

Landmark at Oceanway

Dupont at Mayport

Arlington at Mandarin

Landon at Lakeshore

Southside at Kirby Smith, 7 (Jackson)

Jeb Stuart at Kernan

Highlands at Jeff Davis

Gilbert at Fletcher

Darnell Cookman at Butler

Sept. 14

JW Johnson at Northwestern

Open: Fort Caroline


Week 2, Sept. 20

Week #2 Scores Click Here

Gilbert at Northwestern

Oceanway at Ribault

Highlands at Kirby Smith, 7 (Jackson)

Darnell Cookman at Mayport

Stilwell at Landon

Twin Lakes at Landmark

Mandarin at Lakeshore

JW Johnson at Kernan

Fletcher at Jeff Davis

Arlington at Jeb Stuart

Southside at Fort Caroline

Baldwin at Dupont

Open: Butler


Week 3, Sept 27

Week #3 Scores Click Here

Kirby Smith at Ribault

Oceanway at Gilbert

Northwestern at Butler

Jeb Stuart at Lakeshore

Baldwin at Stilwell

Jeff Davis at JW Johnson

Landon at Southside

Mandarin at Dupont

Twin Lakes at Darnell Cookman

Landmark at Mayport

Fort Caroline at Fletcher

Kernan at Arlington

Open: Highlands

Southside 2

Week 4, Oct. 4

Mayport at Arlington

Jeb Stuart at Baldwin

Ribault at Butler

Kernan at Fletcher

Landmark at Fort Caroline

Northwestern at Highlands

JW Johnson at Lakeshore

Jeff Davis at Stilwell

Landon at Twin Lakes

Mandarin at Darnell Cookman

Oceanway at Kirby Smith, 7 (Jackson)

Dupont at Southside

Open: Gilbert


Week 5, Oct. 11

Arlington at Fort Caroline

Fletcher at Landmark

Ribault at Highlands

Stilwell at Jeb Stuart

Baldwin at JW Johnson

Darnell Cookman at Landon

Mayport at Kernan

Kirby Smith at Gilbert

Lakeshore at Jeff Davis

Mandarin at Southside

Butler at Oceanway

Twin Lakes at Dupont

Open: Northwestern


Week 6, Oct. 18

Dupont at Darnell Cookman

Arlington at Landmark

Jeff Davis at Baldwin

Mayport at Fletcher, 2:30

Fort Caroline at Kernan

Gilbert at Highlands

JW Johnson at Jeb Stuart

Landon at Mandarin

Butler at Kirby Smith, 7 (Jackson)

Lakeshore at Stilwell

Northwestern at Oceanway

Southside at Twin Lakes

Open: Ribault


Week 7, Oct. 25

Twin Lakes at Mandarin, 2:30

Fletcher at Arlington

Fort Caroline at Mayport

Highlands at Butler

Jeb Stuart at Jeff Davis

Stilwell at JW Johnson

Gilbert at Ribault

Dupont at Landon

Kernan at Landmark

Lakeshore at Baldwin

Kirby Smith at Northwestern

Darnell Cookman at Southside

Open: Oceanway


Week 8, Nov. 1

Southside at Arlington

Fletcher at Twin Lakes

Fort Caroline at Darnell Cookman

Highlands at Oceanway

Mayport at JW Johnson

Kernan at Landon

Landmark at Mandarin (Mandarin High)

Ribault at Northwestern

Butler at Gilbert

Open: Kirby Smith, Dupont, Jeff Davis, Jeb Stuart, Lakeshore, Baldwin, Stilwell


Week 9, Nov 8

Butler at Dupont

Kirby Smith at Fort Caroline

Lakeshore at Highlands

Ribault at Jeb Stuart

Jeff Davis at Gilbert

Northwestern at Baldwin

Oceanway at Stilwell

Open: Southside, Mandarin, Twin Lakes, Darnell Cookman, Landon, Fletcher, Mayport, Arlington, Kernan, Landmark, JW Johnson


Nov. 3

Tiebreaker if needed


Week 10, Nov . 15

Semi-Final Playoffs, 6

North vs South, TBA

East vs West, TBA


Week 11, Nov. 22

Site to be announced

Third place game, 5

Championship game, 7


About the author

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