A Tale of Two Halfs for Fletcher and Terry Parker

Fletcher High School- Fletcher struggled in the first half, but pulled away in the second half as the Senators defeated Terry Parker 35-20 Monday night. The game was rescheduled due to Hurricane Hermine, but the Fletcher crowd still came in full force to support their team. They had little to cheer for at first as the Senators played sloppy football.


Terry Parker seemed more enthused to play the game. The Braves came out very aggressive, stunting and blitzing on defense to create havoc in the Senator back field. It worked early as Parker’s MLB Chris Courtney knifed into the backfield to stop the Fletcher ball carrier early in the 2nd quarter.

The game remained scoreless through the second quarter, but momentum started to shift Parker’s way. Fletcher fumbled the ball deep in their own territory and Parker took over at the Senator 11 yard line. In four tries Terry Parker was denied each time by the Fletcher defense. Yet Fletcher’s offense couldn’t get going either. Parker’s defense would force a punt in the 2nd quarter and their offense would force a touchdown on the ensuing drive. Quarterback Erik Hill hit Jai Williams on a beautiful pass to the corner of the endzone to score the first points of the game. Parker led 6-0. Fletcher would respond with a dose of ATH  Anthony Evelyn who ran the ball effectively. He broke several tackles and made many defenders miss. His hard running set up Fletcher on the one yard line where his Quarterback Michael Young took it in on the QB sneak to put Fletcher up 8-6 after the successful two point conversion.

Erik Hill and Jai Williams would answer the play of Young and Evelyn. With 3 minutes to play in the half, Hill dropped back to pass from his own 40 yard line, avoided the rush, stepped up in the pocket and found his playmaker Jai Williams wide open behind the defense for a 60 yard touchdown.  It was the pairs second touchdown connection of the half putting the Braves up 12-8 at half time.

In the second half Fletcher’s Anthony Evelyn took over the game and willed his team to a victory. Every time he touched the ball on hand offs or kick returns he showed incredible explosiveness. He would score his first touchdown of the game in the third quarter to put Fletcher up 15-12. He translated the spirited play on the field with spirited enthusiasm on the sideline. Whenever he came to the sideline he would pump his teammates up and wave to the crowd to get them hyped up. His electricity gave his team a jolt and others began to make plays.

The defense pressured Hill into rushed throws, and disturbed the timing of the Parker Wide Receivers. Fletcher’s Evans and Bennett combined for a sack that thwarted a Parker 3rd quarter drive. Norman Anderson intercepted Hill on a nice diving interception for the Senator defense, who completely shut down the Parker offense in the second half.  Evelyn would provide the final touches. He would score his second touchdown on a 13 yd scamper to put his team comfortably ahead , but he also intercepted a Parker pass to seal the win.

Fletcher’s Calvin Lewis V and Michael Young added to more late scores and  Clarence Long scored for Parker to make the final score 35-20 Fletcher.

Anthony Evelyn fished with 10 rushing attempts, 85 yards and 2 touchdowns.


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About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer DuvalSports.com Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA