Davin Schuck and 3 other Columbia Starters Benched for Disciplinary Reasons

Davin Schuck, the All State Quaterback from Columbia was allegedly benched last week for undisclosed reasons. Schuck provided a statement on twitter that he later deleted that read the following…



Schuck was not the only Columbia starter to be sat down by Coach Allen and his staff. A source tells us that at least three other starters were benched for disciplinary reasons. “BA is not happy with them at all” said the very reliable source. So whatever these young men did they are learning a valuable lesson that you not only let yourselves down in football but you let your team down as well when you fail to be responsible. Columbia has lost 2 games in a row after starting strong and it seems like Coach Allen is willing to put the team in the hands of a sophomore Quarterback if needed. Hopefully the players can learn a valuable lesson from the experience.

About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer DuvalSports.com Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA