The Undefeated: Twin Lakes Makes Statement Over Dupont

Dupont Middle- When two 4-0 teams get together to square off for the division crown there’s sure to be lots of intensity, emotion, and excitement. For Twin Lakes and Coach Gamble it was an opportunity for them to showcase all three of these expressions in a game that meant everything to their playoff hopes. Win and they have the inside track to the playoffs, lose and Dupont would have the upper hand. So they had great reason to play with determination this game and they did.

Twin Lakes won the game against Dupont 26-6 on Wednesday afternoon, showcasing their total team repertoire. Quarterback Josh Stroble #10 played with poise and confidence in leading his team. He had a key first down run late in the game, and connected on a 30 yard touchdown pass to #20 WR Devon Lewis who ended up with the jump ball, and ended the game.


The Twin Lakes defense was tasked with stopping Dupont play makers Jacobi Myers and Patrick Bryant. They failed early on as the two would hook up on a long pass play early in the game.


Yet the Wolves regrouped and focused on their assignments and played sound defense the rest of the way holding Dupont to just 6 points in the game. Their defensive line clogged running lanes and the linebackers did an excellent job of keeping the speedy Myers boxed in. This is the reason Twin Lakes was the City runner up last year. They are extremely well coached, and know how to study their opponents.

On offense they trust their system and it called for down hill running by their runningbacks. The backfield gained several chunks of yards on the smaller Dupont defense, as Twin Lakes controlled the line of scrimmage. The main culprit of this attack was #24 RB John Parkins. Parkins slayed the Dragons by knifing through the gut of their defense. Parkins is a hard runner who refuses to go down on the first hit. Although there weren’t many hits on him in the backfield as the Twin Lakes offensive line overpowered their smaller opponents. They would pave the way for Parkins to score two touchdowns and two 2 point conversions on the afternoon, as Twin Lakes ran away with the game in the 4th quarter.

Twin Lakes (5-0) can close the south division out with wins over Mandarin and Southside Middle Schools, who’s combined record this season coming into this week’s games was an abysmal 2-6. As for Dupont, they need help if they’d like to make the playoffs in Coach Lundy’s second year. At 4-1 they need Twin Lakes to lose one of their remaining division games and they would need to win their remaining division games against Darnell Cookman and Landon.


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About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA