Best of the Best: Best High School Coaches of All-Time: Round 2 Region 3: Football

Round one is in the books, and we’ve got an exciting tournament of champions underway. In region one there were some very intriguing match ups that yielded both landslide results, and nail-biting finishes . In the end, only one coach could advance from each match up, and today we vote on who will be moving on to round three in region two.


Round 2


Corky Rogers vs Mike Pittman

Coach Rogers rolled in the first round as many knew he would. With a 466-85-1 career record, it’s going to be hard to defeat the coaching phenom in this tournament. However Coach Pittman seems ready for the match up. He won a tough round one decision and looks to do the same in round two. He is one of very few coaches that can boast an accolade that legendary Coach Corky Rogers can not. Pittman won four straight state titles in the 80’s and 90’s. An impressive feat for an impressive match up.


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Verlon Dorminey vs Robby Pruitt 

Two of the most respected and accomplished football coaches in our area square off in our region 3 bracket. Verlon Dorminey of Trinity Christian and Robby Pruitt of Union County. If championships are the name of the game, then these two coaches are certainly winning every phase of it. Dorminey currently has  seven state titles (four in a row). Pruitt won four state titles (87, 89, 91, 92) with University Christian and three consecutive state titles in 1994-1996 with Union County. Seven titles on seven titles, so tell us…. who you got?


About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA