High School Football Is Back as Teams Get an Early Jump On The Competition

The High School Football season once again kicked off at 12:01am. For two of the area schools, their main focus was the same,to establish an early identity to their 2017 teams by enthusiasm and fun.

At Fletcher the focus of their 12:01 am practice was energy. The players were enthusiastic, flying around the field with intensity and spirit. It’s an attitude that Head Coach Kevin Brown was very pleased to see out of his team. “ Any time you have an enthusiastic practice like this it is very productive for a football team. We had a very productive practice tonight”. One of the reasons for the high energy is the mindset of the players. “ I’ve got a bunch of players who just want to play the game. Whether it’s 7 on 7, at practice, or lifting weights, you can see that we’ve got a group of very good players who enjoy the game of football and that’s what you want to see” said Brown.

The players weren’t the only ones excited about the season. Once again, many members of the student body and the beach community came out to be a part of the annual midnight practice. For Coach Brown it’s something very special to see after attending Fletcher as a student. “ I’m home grown, I love this beach, we spend lots of time training at the beach, it’s a special place, and with their support I predict we’ll have a very good season.

Other teams that conducted 12:01am practices were Bishop Snyder and Christs Church. The field at Christ Church flooded but that didn’t stop Coach Jim Stomps and company. They went to the gym and got some good work in.


About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer DuvalSports.com Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA