Landmark Seahawks Soaring After Surprise Victory Over Fletcher

When Head Coach Edward Carter took over the football job at Landmark, he saw potential in a program that had played second fiddle to Fletcher in their division. In the four years that the Duval County Middle School Football Conference has been instituted, Landmark had never defeated Fletcher and has never won the East division. Last Tuesday, the Seahawks took a big step in achieving the ladder by accomplishing the former, upsetting Fletcher 28-14.

One of the biggest victories in school history seemed like it might not happen after Fletcher jumped out early in the game. Fletcher won the coin toss and decided to receive the ball. They broke off a big run and proceeded to score, but missed the two point try. Fletcher tried an onsides kick which was recovered by Landmark, and put them in really good field position. A few plays later later, Anthony Kirkland took off for a long touchdown run. Anthony would convert on the two point try and Landmark led 8-6.  On defense, Landmark’s players really stepped up in the game. Already plagued by penalties, the Seahawks  got a great push on the defensive line stopping Fletcher, and forcing them to punt. After getting the ball back, Landmark’s Zaiire Gatling scored on a short touchdown run after reeling off a long run earlier on the drive, making the score 14-6.  In hopes of keeping the explosive Landmark offense off the field, Fletcher’s offense started slowly eating the clock and gaining 3-4 yards to get multiple first downs. Their drive ended in a touchdown and successful conversion to finally tie the game at 14 all with just over a minute left in the half. This proved to be too much time for Landmark. On 3rd down, Gatling broke off a 70 yard run to get them down to the Fletcher 5 yard line with 30 seconds left. This allowed Kirkland to finish the drive with a touchdown and a successful 2-point try, making the score 22-14 at half.

Landmark started the second half with the ball and marched down field on another great run from Gatling which got them down to the 5 yard line again. A play later, Landamark fumbled and Fletcher recovered the ball. Fletcher then went down field and held the ball for almost five minutes until they fumbled also. Landmark’s Jacob Simons recovered the ball and went 75 yards for a touchdown, and capping a two touchdown lead 28-14. Landmark’s defense really stepped up and made Fletcher turn the ball over on downs. The Seahawks offense transformed from big play to ball control, holding the ball for the duration of the game to seal the victory.

The win gives Landmark(3-0) a big victory heading into their game with Arlington(3-0) this week who is also undefeated. The Seahawks have much more confidence after defeating the defending division champs, a team who is just two years removed from a city championship. Yet that confidence didn’t start after beating Fletcher(2-1), it began the moment Coach Carter stepped on the field off Kernan road. Last year, he led Lake Shore to a division championship, but fell to Fletcher in the seven over times thriller. Even though the Chiefland Florida native switched schools this summer, he was still confident that he could get the most out of his kid’s on the Southside of Jacksonville as he did from his kids on the Westside of Jacksonville while at Lake Shore.

” They decided to rezone our school (Landmark) a little bit, so it kind of went into the Arlington area. So some of those students got zoned to us, plus some of the Northside kids as well. Not only do they have great grades, but they are great athletes as well.”-Coach Edward Carter.

Carter describes his student athletes and their parents as a family, one whom sticks together and supports on another. With this unique dynamic at play, it is no surprise how the Seahawks are soaring higher and higher each week, on their quest to win a championship.

About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA