Creeks Black Outlaws Make It To Pop Warner City Championship

The Creeks Black Outlaws junior pee wee football team surprised a lot of teams this year, but they didn’t surprise themselves. This group of selfless and determined players showed the entire city how they could achieve tremendous success on the football field. Their play and poise is one of the main reasons why this team was able to defeat Sweetwater in the playoffs to advance to play Lakeshore in the city championship.


The Pop Warner city runners-up Creeks Black Outlaws joined Andre’ to talk about their great season leading up to the city championship game. This great group of young men tells us how through hard work and dedication how they became winners on the field and in the classroom.

About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA