Fruit Cove and Swiss Point Battle Adversity in Playoff Game

The drama surrounding the Fruit Cove versus Swiss Point Middle School Football game was already at an all time high. Fruit Cove came into the game as the #1 ranked football team in St. Johns County. Their opponent Swiss Point, was the defending St. Johns County Middle School Football Champions, a team that defeated them in the regular season. Yet the drama that emits from the build up of a playoff football game took a backseat to the drama that occurred just a nght before. On the eve of their playoff game, the Fruit Cove football team was “dissolved” by the St. Johns Middle School Athletic Association (SJMSAA) for “conduct or activities that reflected negatively on the district or schools”. The end result of the controversy yielded Fruit Cove without it’s Head Coach  and Defensive Coordinator, while placing Swiss Point in the middle of a media frenzy for a middle school football game. Ironically, the football game would present the same drama in its closing minutes just as the preparation presented the teams in the days leading up to it.

With just over a minute to play deep in Swiss Point territory, Fruit Cove trailed 30-26. Flyer Quarterback Garrett Stewart dropped back and lofted a pass deep to his right, but it was intercepted by Raider defensive back Bryce Johnson. It was Johnson’s third interception of the game and it led to the game deciding touchdown. On the very next play, running back Dominic Fields took the handoff and raced 80 yards for a Swiss Point touchdown, putting his team ahead 38-26 with just 1:09 to play. Swiss Point would go on to win the game 38-32 to advance to the St. Johns Middle School Athletic Association Championship. For Swiss Point it was a defensive effort that came full circle in the game. The playoff contest began with a big defensive play when Fields intercepted a Fruit Cove pass and raced 35 yards for a Swiss Point touchdown on the first possession of the game. Swiss Point would lead 8-0 and looked superbly prepared to defend the pass on the night. Fruit Cove Interim Head Coach Dee Brown made his thoughts known before and after the game, about the tall task at hand. “They (SJMSAA) want me to be the Head Coach, Offensive Coordinator and Defensive Coordinator all at once in a playoff game? I can’t do everything”. Early on he and the Flyer staff of coaches did everything they could to adjust to the Raider attack. Brown turned to his running game, and running back Preston Strope. Strope ran the ball hard all game grinding out first downs and chunks of yards. His effective running opened up the lane for Stewart to score on a zone read keeper to put Fruit Cove on the board 8-6 with Swiss Point leading in the first quarter.

Swiss Point would answer the score and to no surprise it was “Dom, Dom, Dom, Dom….”Dominic Fields. On fourth down, Quarterback Trenton Delaere hit his big play target in stride on a slant and Fields took it the distance for the touchdown to increase the Raider lead to 14-6. Fruit Cove refused to go down without a fight. Preston Strope continued to pound the rock, including a nice 15 yard gain breaking several tackles for a first down. The Flyers would catch the Raiders looking in the back field when Stewart hit wide receiver Paul Wood for a short touchdown reception. The play inched Fruit Cove closer 14-12. Defense would stand up at critical points in the game. Fruit Cove would stop Swiss Point on their next drive and have a chance to go ahead in the game. Deep in Raider territory, Fruit Cove would attempt to hit it’s signature fade into the end zone, but intercepting the ball was #3 Bryce Johnson. Johnson would get another interception on the same fade attempt the very next defensive possession. His two interceptions in the first half preserved the 14-12 lead for Swiss Point, as both teams headed to the end zones for halftime. The second half would see a scoring frenzy by both teams. A Preston Strope romp and a Garrett Stewart rumble electrified the Fruit Cove faithful. They found running lanes to navigate against the Raider defense scoring twice in the period. After a Swiss touchdown by Justin Nadeau, Fruit Cove led the game 26-22 going into the fourth. In the fourth, Delaere would find Fields on a 63 yard touchdown pass putting them up 30-26. The Raiders would not relinquish the lead from there. After a Stewart touchdown pass to Vince Apprabato, Fruit Cove failed to recover the onsides kick and the game was over.

Photos by Andre’ Ellis (Duval Sports)

Fruit Cove navigated an 8-1 regular season, but fell twice to the defending St. Johns County Middle School Association champions. The last game of the regular season, and in the second round of the playoffs. It was a bitter end to a very sour set of events that led up to their biggest game of the year. The effort the Flyers played with despite the distractions dealt them is truly commendable and one to which they should hold their heads high. They faced adversity from many sides and overcame it with their effort on the field. Riding high right now is Head Coach Don Luczak of Swiss Point. Speaking about the controversy which cancelled their game then scheduled it again within 24 hours,

“I didn’t tell the kids at all about what was going on, they kept texting me asking me what’s going on but we approached this all along that we were playing. However, as for me I was up and down hearing we wouldn’t be playing and then we would be playing. I’m glad we played, we wanted to earn it on the field instead of being given it. That’s been our motto all year, work hard and earn it.” Coach Don Luczak


Their hard work has earned Swiss Point a spot in the championship game next week. The Raiders will take on Gamble Rogers for the title, looking to win back to back championships. A big win like the one they achieved against Fruit Cove can carry them through tough times if faced again in the championship. Said Luczak, “We didn’t lay down and the kids were asking what do I need to do to help this team win during the game. We dealt with adversity and we punched it in the face.”

Featured images and photo gallery by Aaron Jones ( / Eagles Eye Photography)


About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA