Dupont Wins Third Place, Landmark Awarded Fourth in Duval County Championships

Atlantic Coast High School- It wasn’t the finish Dupont Middle School Head Coach Marquis Lundy and Landmark Middle School Head Coach Edward Carter envisioned when they both clinched playoff births this season, yet it certainly exceeded the expectations of many from the start of the season. Both teams achieved school firsts in winning their divisions this year advancing to the Duval County Middle School Playoffs. Both teams would fall in the first round, but get a shot to play for third and fourth place in the city. Tremendous honors in a city full of great teams. Led by the play making ability of Tyrez Fluellen , Carmelo Murphy and Janari Grimsley, the Dupont Dragons defeated Anthony Kirkland and the Landmark Seahawks 26-8 to win third place in the Duval County middle school football conference. Landmark finished the season winning the fourth place trophy, and Dupont ended their season with only one loss and the third place trophy. congratulations to both teams.



About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA