Crowley vs. King: Combine for Nearly 500 Rushing Yards in Trinity Victory

Oakleaf- The #1 and #2 rushers in Northeast Florida went toe to toe Thursday night, as Trinity Christian visited Oakleaf. Oakleaf’s Keshawn King led the area in rushing going into the contest with 906 yards and 17 touchdowns, while Trinity’s Marcus Crowley was a close second with 870 yards and 12 touchdowns. So the stage was set for one of the most anticipated individual match ups of the season.

Trinity, fresh off an incredible 1-point win over previously #1 ranked Columbia went into the game on a short week. They played Saturday night due to the game being rescheduled for bad weather. The short week however didn’t deter many experts, as everyone picked Trinity to win. And the Conqueors did just that with a score of 51-22. Yet it wasn’t the outcome of the game that many came to see, it was the rushing showdown, and King would strike first.

After a fourth down pass was completed by quarterback Walter Simmons III to wide receiver Antonio Marshall, Keshawn King would score on a 24-yard run to put Oakleaf up 8-0 after a successful 2-point conversion. King would draw first blood, yet Crowley was unbowed. On the next drive, quarterback Jacory Jordan hit Isiah Washington for a 78 yard touchdown pass, as Trinity pulled to within 1-point 8-7. Surprisingly, in a game that featured two super seniors, it was the two sophomore sensation quarterbacks ( Walter Simmons and Jacory Jordan) that stole the show early on.

Oakleaf was unable to respond and Trinity made them pay. Yet it wasn’t Crowley who dealt the blow, no it was another sophomore running-back Kaleb Killian who scored on a 36-yard touchdown to put Trinity up 14-8. A modest touchdown by King early on and minimal gains by Crowley thus far in the game seemed to be the calm before the storm as on lookers knew a hurricane was coming, hurricane Crowley that is. After a Stephen Williams interception that stopped a Knights drive late in the first quarter, the first band of the storm hit. On Trinity’s next possession, Marcus Crowley bust loose for a 71 yard touchdown run to increase the Trinity lead to 21-8 in the first quarter. The 71 yarder amazingly gave Crowley 109 rushing yards in the first quarter, while King, who scored first tallied 44 yards.

The second quarter saw Jordan hook up with Washington twice more, this time for 64-yard and a 40-yard touchdown passes to put Trinity up 35-15. It would make the third time in two games that the two would hook up on big touchdown plays. The coming out party for Jacory Jordan (292yds passing 4TDs 0 Int) was quickly crashed by his own teammate, as Marcus Crowley once again electrified the crowd. Crowley would burst through the line for an amazing 62 yard touchdown his final score of the night, giving Trinity a 42-15 advantage.

King’s night was far from over. On the ensuing drive King reeled off a 61-yard scamper of his own, yet the drive failed to produce points. However, King would find the end zone for his second touchdown of the night as both King and Crowley retired from their warpath.

The final stat lines read..

Keshawn King 23 attempts, 192 rushing yards and 2 touchdowns.

Marcus Crowley 18 attempts 294 rushing yards and 2 touchdowns

Crowley is committed to the University of Miami and King is committed to Virginia Tech University. So this undoubtedly will not be the last time these two square off against one another as ACC rivals.

Update: Marcus Crowley withdrew his commitment to Miami and committed to Ohio State University





About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA