Fletcher Gets Revenge in Divisional Thriller Over Landmark

It’s the game they circled on their schedule at the start of the season. It’s the game they knew they had to win. It’s the game that the Fletcher Middle School Football team ultimately won in dramatic fashion to gain the divisional tie breaker over Landmark, and remain tied with Arlington in the Eastern division. The game certainly lived up to its billing.

In the first quarter Landmark’s Zaiire Gatling would get the scoring started when he raced for a big touchdown to give Landmark a 6-0 lead. He would score the two point conversion to increase their lead to 8-0. The contracting styles of offense were on display in the game, as the wide open spread offense of Landmark’s Coach Edward Carter struck first. Yet the methodical, ball control offense of Coach Marty McCauslin would slow the tempo down and gradually take hold of the flow of the game. Fletcher’s D.J Sturr would punch the ball in from the 3 yard line to cut Landmark’s lead to 8-6 after the failed 2-point conversion.

Landmark would take a 8-6 lead into halftime thanks to an interception by Free Safety Holden Bradshaw. The Seahawks were very confident, yet not very composed, as second half mistakes would doom them. In the second half, false start penalties suffocated Seahawk drives, taking the life out of an offense that saw Zaiire Gatling run for long gains for most of the afternoon. While Landmark unraveled, Fletcher began to stitch together a long time consuming drive in the fourth quarter. After a long run by Donald Lundy set up Fletcher deep in Landmark territory, Lundy would score the go ahead touchdown a few plays later. D.J would play the same tune, this time scoring on a 2-point conversion as Fletcher went up in the game 14-8.

With just 2 minutes to play in the game, there was plenty of time for the Seahawks to score, however Fletcher would not allow a lot of room for them to soar. On three straight downs the Fletcher defense would stop Landmark setting up a crucial fourth down. Adding a mountain to the mole hill was the head referee’s decision to sit Landmark’s best player Zaiire Gatling. Without their playmaker, Landmark’s desperate attempt to throw the ball in the air fell into the hands of Fletcher’s Donald Lundy, ending the game and enacting their much anticipated revenge.

About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer DuvalSports.com Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA