Comeback Effort Falls Short for Raines against Englewood

The first set was all Englewood, Raines barely even had the ball to serve in this set. Englewood went on a serving spree, first hitting seven straight service points by senior setter Amari Edwards, another three service points by senior captain Vicki Sierski and then six more straights service points. They won the set handily 25-7.

The second set seemed to start off the same with Englewood taking an early lead, but this set was different, Raines hustle didn’t die down, they kept grinding for each point. Raines seemed to get better on their serve receive and going after every ball. Raines went on their own run midway through the second set closing the score to four points. Englewood only up 14-10, knew that they would have to step it up and on the back of senior outside Mahkyah Phillips and sophomore middle hitter Samantha Mitchell they would take a commanding 20-11 lead before Raines called a timeout. Englewood would go on to win the second set 25-14.

The third set went back and forth between the two teams, Englewood would be down for the first time in this set down 18-17 with the momentum in Raines’ favor. Raines’ serving for set point up 24-23, they scored off a tipped ball and the crowd went wild with Raines fans and Englewood fans seemed to take a nervous sigh knowing that set four was pivotal.

Set four started off like set three with the game going back and forth between the teams, leads changing from Raines’ favor to Englewoods and vice versa. Englewood was able to take a solid lead halfway through the set up 16-11 and even though Raines fought back hard they were never ever to capitalize on Englewood’s mistakes like Englewood on theirs. Raines seniors Najah Howard, Kyla Wilson and Mikaya Priester led their team in kills, blocks and assists.

The Lady Vikings (2-5) will travel to face Bishop Snyder (8-5) on the 19th. Englewood (7-2) is off the rest of the week but will resume play on the 24th against Terry Parker (4-7).

About the author

Tashyra Feazell currently serves as an intern with Duval Sports. Her playing, coaching, and officiating experience in basketball equips her to provide detail analysis on and off the court. She possesses Bachelors and Masters degrees from the University of West Florida.