Gamble Rogers Set For Showdown With Landrum

St. Johns– After a big win over Patriot Oaks, the Stingrays would go on a run to out play Liberty Pines in a 32-6 victory. Gamble Rogers Coach Ron Evans said, “Liberty Pines has a lot of good athletes. Our boys played really hard and fast and basically that was all we needed to come out with the victory. This year’s defense is a special group. They coach themselves on the field and they do a great job”.

The stars all aligned shining a bright light on Gamble Roger’s Frankie Morabito as he rushed down the field to score a touchdown setting the evening atmosphere. The Stingrays would begin the lead early at 7-0. While Liberty Pines set up their offense to pass, Morabito rushed in intercepting the ball to score yet another touchdown. The extra point did not stick the second time around as the score increased to 13-0, Gamble Rogers.

The second quarter continued to gravitate into the Stingrays favor as Liberty Pines were unable to score. Gamble Roger’s defensive chemistry consisting of safety Devin Blocker, Kani Harris, Logan Cline , Peyton Conley and Joseph Soto shut down Liberty Pines’ offensive plays. Gaining back posession of the ball, Zander Martin would score a Stingray touchdown. Although the extra point was no good, Gamble Rogers carried the lead 19-0 over Liberty Pines ending the first half of the game.

Big defensive hits from Makai Mitchell kept the Wolves in the game to contend against their opponent in the third quarter. Gamble Roger’s Cason Blanco managed to catch the pass to run in yet another Stingray touchdown to close the third quarter leading Liberty Pines 25-0.

Morabito would work his magic once again catching a pass to score the first touchdown in the fourth quarter bolting the lead to 32-0. Quarterback Ryan Spencer’s pass to Gavin Cook-Williams for the Wolves touchdown sent the team into a frenzy while 3:21 minutes remained in the quarter. Unfortunately, the Stingrays would finish what they began by shutting out the Liberty Pines offense as the Wolves failed to score again.

Coach Potak plans to lead his team into battle this week against Landrum as the playoffs are right around the corner. Landrum is also undefeated, and this will be the Stingray’s toughest test of the season. It will be interesting to see if their big win against Liberty Pines will have them under estimate Landrum. Chances are it won’t, as the team seems prepared for the ultimate challenge.

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About the author

Tashyra Feazell currently serves as an intern with Duval Sports. Her playing, coaching, and officiating experience in basketball equips her to provide detail analysis on and off the court. She possesses Bachelors and Masters degrees from the University of West Florida.