2015 Year In Review: Wolfson Wins a thriller over Ed White!!

Wolfson High School

With zero seconds left on the clock, Wolfson’s Tommy Collins laid a rebound in the basket from the front of rim to give his Wolfpack the 72-70 victory Tuesday Night. Collins lead Wolfson with 22 points as they suppressed a four point Ed White lead at half time.

Anthony Jeanty had 19 points for Ed White has they jumped out of the gates fast. The Commanders seemed determined to prove that the last lost to Wolfson was a fluke, seeing that the Commanders had beaten the wolfpack three out of four times this season. But the Pack had other plans…  2-17-15 020Ty Railey scored 19 points leading Wolfson on a furious comeback in the second half. At one point, their lead had ballooned to 9 points. But Ed White’s Dalvin Storey and company wouldn’t go down without a fight. Storey had 16 in the game as White went on a 7-0 run and eventually tied the game. But after Railey was fouled on a three point shot, he hit three consecutive free throws from the line to put his team ahead by three.

Ed White would tie the game and stop Wolfson with a chance to win the game with less than a minute to play, however their lay up attempt was unsuccessful leaving just seconds on the clock for Wolfson. The Wolfpack pushed the ball up court missing a layup attempt and a put back attempt, when Collins found the ball and the bottom of the net.

For Ed White it was a bitter defeat reminiscent of their miraculous victory over Jackson in the Gateway Championship. Unfortunately for the Commanders, they were on the other end of the stick this time. The Commanders hada very successful season and should be commended for their play. But for the Wolfpack, their victory advances them to the Regional Finals.


About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer DuvalSports.com Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA