Ribault Middle-

The regular season finale for Ribault and Highlands Middle School Basketball took place tonight as fans packed the gym to support their sons and daughters. Both teams came into the contest traveling very different paths. Highlands although win-less (0-11)on the season, came into the game excited to showcase their progress from week one to now. Their cheerleaders were rhythmic and enthusiastic as they got the crowd hype with their chants and cadences. And that enthusiasm translated into effort onto the court as Highlands played with intensity and pride throughout the game.

Ribault came into the contest building off fundamentals and production. Their .500 record (6-6) was indicative of their fortune this season. Their fundamentals showed they were good enough to produce a winning season, however their production wasn’t quite effective enough to challenge for the city championship. A solid and consistent performance that showed promise and potential. Ironically, their cheerleaders mirrored this style of performance as well showcasing their precision and high level of execution.



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The basketball game started as expected with Ribault jumping out to a first half lead. Ribault’s coach made a mass substitution after going up by 10 in the first quarter, giving some of his other players an opportunity to show what they had. What this unit lacked in size they made up for in heart as they contested shots and weren’t afraid to shoot the rock. Highlands would make a run in during this span as their layups started to go in. They possessed good size and length to compete at a high level with the Trojans. Yet in the 2nd quarter Ribault began to pull away inserting their first unit back into the game. Their quickness and aggressiveness flustered highlands into turnovers, and the Trojan guards effectively moved the ball and drove to the basket when the opportunities were there. This was the deciding factor in the game as Ribault defeated Highlands 56-32. 

Congratulations to both teams on their regular seasons! And good luck to the players coming back next season, and to the 8th graders moving on to High School next year.

Check back on Thursday & Saturday for our coverage of the Middle School Girls & Boys Semifinals and Championships! 


For all middle school sports information please reference Duval County Athletics .

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About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer DuvalSports.com Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA