Duval Sports Future Stars: Ellis, Andrews & O’Neal

The area is filled with athletes, and all of them get their starts somewhere. Whether it’s a youth sports league, or simply playing around in the backyard, many of our future stars are making moves right under our noses. Check out three of Duval’s future stars below.


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Kendric O’Neal -Clay PAL 8U, Football unlimited weight

Position: DL, FB

  • Kendric is a mad man on the field. Even at such a young age he possesses the intensity to be tough.
  • He flys over the field and runs through ball carries with reckless abandoned. His nickname is ” The Hitman”
  • He’s got natural enthusiasm that translates into giving 100% on the field at all times.
  • He was rewarded by his hard play with the opportunity to run the ball, and he seized the moment. O’Neal refuses to go down on the first tackle when the ball is in his hands.
  • Mom is a dedicated team parent and board member while Dad is a coaching junkie. He’s volunteered at the Leon Washington football camp and continues to help the youth on his off days from work.

Kendric O’Neal is a future Duval Sports Star!!



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Larry Andrews Jr. – Kooker Park, Baseball, Basketball


Baseball: 2nd Base, Short Stop

Basketball: SG, SF

  • -Larry is an all around athlete. He  possesses the agility to play basketball and the hand-eye coordination to play baseball.
  • -This spring he contributed to his team’s championship run, making it all the way to the final game.
  • -He’s got quick hands and can handle the rock like a pro. At short stop he’s proven to be one of the quickest players on the field. He’s a natural at defense.
  • Mom is dedicated to making sure Larry has every opportunity in every sport
  • -Larry’s favorite Coach is  Coach Monica Gipson.

“She knows what to say so we can get it together” -Andrews              

Larry Andrews Jr. is a future Duval Sports Star


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Christian Ellis-  Oceanway, Football Pop Warner

Positions: RB, LB

  • -Christian gives 110% all the time, and combines that effort with raw talent.
  • – He has a very high football IQ, calling plays on both sides of the ball, and helping to line players up before the snap.
  • -Ellis has been the fastest or 2nd fastest player on each one of his six youth football teams.
  • -He’s led every team he’s played on in tackles, and has led three out of six teams in touchdowns per season.
  • Mom is a hard working team mom who supports every team Christian has been on.

Christian Ellis, A Duval Sports Future Star!!



About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer DuvalSports.com Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA