The Amari Terry Foundation hosted their first youth football camp on July 25th at Pine Forest Elementary. The one day camp featured participants ranging in age from five years old to fifteen years old. Several youth football coaches and high school athletes volunteered during the camp to facilitate drills and teach football technique and terminology. Terry, a rising junior at Bolles High School began this camp as a source to help young kids. “I hope to give back to the community. Growing up I noticed people who were not as fortunate as me. They had nobody to push them to go to that extra level.”  The camp provided inspirational speakers including the Honorable Judge Henry E. Davis of the Duval County Juvenile Division. But Terry acknowledged the hard work that his mother and other family members and volunteers put towards the camp’s success. ” They are so much behind me. Anything I do they are right behind me, and I couldn’t do anything without them”. The foundation provided lunches after the camp, and t-shirts for all participants. Special thanks to Amari Terry, Pine Forest Athletic Association, and the Amari Terry Foundation for inviting Duval Sports!

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About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA