High School Football Preview: Christ’s Church

There’s a new regime at Christ’s Church as Coach Jim Stomps hopes to lead the Eagles to the promised land. After an 0-9 season in 2014, Christ’s Church looked for change and found it in Stomps. IMG_2081 (800x533)Setting a process of becoming a champion is the focus for Stomps and his coaches. “We talk about the process and not the championship.Honoring God every time we take the field and our goal is to be 1-0 at the end of each week.” Its a shaping and molding process that he and the coach staff takes to heart.

Coaches like Chris Kinnett -Offense, David Lamp – Running Backs, Josh Payne  O-Lineman Coach ,  and  Brian Fowler- Strength and Conditioning have all taken hold of the players psyche. Fowler’s enthusiasm strengthens the players mind and body. Payne is affectionately known as the ” Boss Hog” and has given his offensive line the same name of the famous Washington Redskins offensive line ” The Hogs”.  Kinnett’s ability to mentor young men is invaluable. Last year he was the head coach of the Creeks Junior Pee Wee team who won a city championship, regional championship and made it to the Pop Warner National Championship in Orlando. Coach’s like this make the difference and it started the moment Stomps stamped his approval on them to lead his team. And the message as been received well by the players.



2 Adam McManus HB, ILB Jr. 5-10 170
3 Cameron Law QB, DE So. 5-11 145
4 Mitchell Tucker (C) WR, OLB Jr. 5-9 170
5 Ty Van Duyn TE, FS Jr. 6-0 175
6 Josh Dennie WR, DB So. 6-0 160
7 Johnny Gullet RB, OLB So. 5-7 165
8 Dj Lampp WR, QB, OLB So. 5-10 170
9 Carson Brown TE, ILB Fr. 5-9 170
10 Blake Fowler HB, CB Fr. 5-9 150
11 Jacob Reeves HB, ILB Fr. 5-9 155
12 Ben Allen WR, DE So. 5-9 160
13 Zack Baldwin (C) QB, FS Jr. 6-0 175
14 Andy Varnes TE, DB Jr. 6-0 170
16 Brett Fowler WR, DB Fr. 5-10 140
18 Cole Berger (C) HB, ILB Sr. 5-11 185
21 Zac Appelo TE, DE Jr. 6-4 180
22 Nick O’Conner HB, LB Jr. 6-0 180
22 Nick O’connor RB, OLB Jr. 5-9 151
23 Austin Healey WR, LB Sr. 5-11 180
25 Isaiah Pantoja WR, DB Sr. 5-11 160
32 Carson Roberts K, P So. 5-9
35 Cove Moyal TE, DE Jr. 6-1 170
45 Caleb Bowman WR, CB Fr. 5-6 140
50 Tj Strong (C) G, OLB Jr. 5-11 205
51 Louie Nammour G, DE Jr. 6-2 240
52 Kyle Johnson G, LB Fr. 5-10 170
53 Kole Keene C, LB Fr. 5-6 155
55 Alec Diaz C, NG So. 5-5 170
56 Matthew Stone DT, C So. 5-10 200
57 Walker Ade T, DE So. 6-4 195
62 Brandon Stowell OT, DE So. 5-11 175
66 Max Peterson OT, NG Jr. 6-0 250
78 Jake Tylski OT, DT Fr. 6-2 260
87 Trey Higginbotham TE, DE Jr. 6-3 185

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Cole Berger, a senior RB /MLB has been with the team all four years. He can feel the difference that Coach Stomps brings in his senior campaign. ” Coach Stomps is like a father to me. He’s really transformed this team in the short amount of time that he’s been here. It’s a totally different philosophy this year”. One of these differences includes the practices. Christ’s Church began their 2015 fall campaign at 12:01 am August 3rd. Florida High School teams aren’t allowed to have official practices until August 3rd, and Coach Stomps decided to take advantage of every minute allowed by the FHSAA. “We have a goal to be the first team to practice and the last team to practice this year. We want the kids to be excited and get them to be uncomfortable.”IMG_2088 (800x533)

Comfort is a word you think a Quarterback learning a new system might not necessarily use, yet starting QB Zach Baldwin is praised by his Head Coach for knowing the offense and picking up the plays so well.

“I study the playbook when ever I can. I’m excited about the offense and its design.  It allows the players to really use their attributes best” said Baldwin. The Eagles will run an up tempo offense to keep pressure on defenses. Look out for TE Zac Appelo  6ft 4 inches , and  TE Trey Higginbotham at 6ft 3 inches to make plays in this offense.

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2014 standings & 2015 outlook

2A Standings District 2

It was a tough year for the Eagles last year in the W column. But with the recruiting issues behind them, and a new focus on  the process of winning, new beginnings should make for new heights for this team.

Don’t forget to check back for our official team pages, and predictions this fall.


Special thanks to Coach Stomps, and the Christ’s Church Academy for allowing Duval Sports to come out.







About the author

Andre' Ellis, Founder/ Lead Writer DuvalSports.com Florida Times Union All-City 1998,LB, Sandalwood Florida A&M Unv, BA , MBA